Seminář “Voluntarism and youth” se bude konat ve východním Turecku v městě Mus, mezi 28. říjnem a 4. listopadem. Be International na seminář vysílá dva účastníky.

Informace od pořadatelů:

“As Group “Voluntary Spirits” we are going to organize this training for young people and youth workers who want to know more about voluntarism. We hope to increase the importance of volunteering in all aspects of our lives.

The course will be during the dates of 28 October-4 November 2011 in Muş Turkey. The participants will be in Muş during in the morning on 28 October 2011 and leave on 4th November 2011.

English is the official language.

We are going to use formal and non-formal education methods with an intercultural dimension. We also hope to have the opportunity to exchange our experiences and create good networks that could work in the future. This course will be the opportunity to enhance exchange, partnership and co-operation.

We cover the accommodation only for the days of the event and % 70 of the travel costs will be covered. There will be 9 countries and 2 or 3 participants will join from each organization. The participants have to be a member of an NGO.

The applicants should reserve the tickets and after our confirmation they can buy the tickets. One option is going directly to Istanbul and then to Muş by plane.

The participants will stay at a hotel at the center of the city and have time to see and visit the local places.”

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